We all snore......sometimes. But my husband has sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome so...basically it's like a song and dance every night!
Enter essential oils! I already gave you my "Magic Sleep Potion" which thankfully helped MY sleeping, but when there's a grizzly bear in bed with you it's difficult to get a good nights sleep! So, after some research I made up a roll-on for my
Here's what you will need:
Roll-on bottle (I buy these)
Carrier oil of your choice (I like Coconut)
10-20 drops Basil essential oil
10-20 drops Valor essential oil
10-20 drops Lavender essential oil
(I say 10-20 drops depending on the size of your bottle)
Here's what you do:
Mix all essential oils in your bottle, fill the rest up with carrier oil. Apply the concoction to the tip of your Grizzly Bears right big toe and enjoy a snore free night.

Why the bottom of the foot? The foot has the biggest pores so it's absorbed quickly and in the theory of reflexology the tip of the toe reflects the brain. I'm no expert, all I can tell you is hubby's snoring has decreased 10 fold, he no longer donkey kicks me in the night and we are both sleeping much better!
Go to my ESSENTIAL OILS page to find out how to get your own essential oils!
I'm partying at Coastal Charm, to see where else I party check out my PARTIES page!
*snoring can be serious! please see a doctor if you or a loved one snores regularly!!
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